w1080xh810_REU_2539206.jpgAfter years of interminable rain delays, washed-out sessions, and Championship Sundays postponed until Monday, the 2016 US Open came armed with a new, retractable roof over Arthur Ashe Stadium.

The pride and joy of the United States Tennis Association cost some $150 million to construct, but it promised to be worth the expense, given the hassle it will inevitably save for years to come. The only issue: through nearly three full days of action at the tournament, there’d been not a drop of rain, and thus, no reason to use the roof.

That all changed during Wednesday’s marquee night match between Rafa Nadal and Andreas Seppi. With a light sprinkle coming down, organizers sprung into action, and closed the roof for the first time ever during match play.

Reference:Facebook(Arthur Ashe)

By:Mohammad Ali Ghazzawi